Episode No. 10: Share Your Story and Change the World with Steve Gallegos
Featured Guest: Steve Gallegos, Esq.
In this interview, we’re shining a light on one of the amazing things that public speaking can do – help change the world. Steve Gallegos, Esq. is a public speaker and advocate for communication excellence, who has spoken all over the world about the importance of public speaking and storytelling. In this video, he shares his story of how public speaking has helped him bring change to the world, and how you can do the same. If you’re interested in public speaking, or you want to learn more about the power of public speaking, be sure to watch this video! By sharing your story, you can change the world and make a difference in someone’s life.
Stories are not just for entertainment. Stories serve an important function in our lives, almost as important as breathing. Since the beginning of time, stories have helped us give meaning to our past, provide a framework for the present, and they enable us to envision the future. A story is a bridge that connects one human to another at an emotional level. As the Founder and President of the Voices of Impact Awards™, Steve Gallegos describes his journey from a good-for-nothing suicidal teen, to finding his own worth and superpower on a cold, wet, and musty shower floor during U.S. Marine Corps Bootcamp from which he graduated with honors. Having shared his story from stages around the world, Steve explains the idea for the Voices of Impact Awards™ was developed upon realizing that millions of people have a valuable and important story to share, but there was no real place to share it. Certainly, if you are pursuing a speaking career like Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, or Gary Vaynerchuk, there are many stages available to you. But for the everyday executive, entrepreneur, small business owner, or college student who has not written a book, or who lacks the resources or connections, there is no legitimate place to share their story…until now. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy this inspiring, entertaining, and educational interview conducted by Angel Tuccy, a nationally renowned journalist, and public relations expert.
About Steve Gallegos
Known as “America’s Ambassador on Success,” Steve is an Attorney, an International Speaker, Trainer, Award-winning Author, and an authority on personal development and communications. Through lessons “earned” as a U.S. Marine, Law Enforcement Officer, Singer-Songwriter/Recording Artist, Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer, Internet Start-Up Founder, and published Commercial Photographer, Steve delivers unparalleled “real-world” training and guidance to his audiences. As a coach, he guides executives, entrepreneurs, and public personalities to resolve matters dealing with self-mastery, communications, and relationships which Steve believes are the 3 pillars of all personal and business success.
Steve is also the Founder and President of the Voices of Impact Awards™, the premier event which celebrates and equips people with stories that inspire humanity. This program is the coming together of TEDx, the Grammy’s, and American Idol, where everyday people can become extraordinary by sharing their heroic stories. Steve is personally giving away 10 cash prizes to the finalists, including a $20,000 cash award for the grand prize winner.
To connect with Steve:
YouTube: SteveGallegos
Instagram: @steviegsuccess
Facebook: StevieG.Success
Linked-In: StevieG
#SteveGallegos, #CommunicationsExpert, #PersonalDevelopmentExpert, #PublicSpeaking, #VoicesofImpactAwards, #VOIA, #StevieGSuccess, #Speaker, #Leadership, #Entrepreneur, #Inspiration, #BecomeANaturalBornSpeaker, #MarineCorps, #SpeaktoWin, #AngelTuccy
About From Story to Impact™
From Story to Impact™ with your Host, Steve Gallegos is the official program of the Voices of Impact Awards™, which celebrates and equips people with stories that inspire humanity. The Voices of Impact Awards™ is perfect for those who want to help shape society, be a part of the solution, and solve some of the world’s biggest problems. It is also ideal for people who want to be recognized as thought leaders and be honored for their contributions. Those who want to get speaking engagements, earn more income through speaking or are looking for interviews on virtual stages, videos, podcasts, or other media can also benefit from joining this program. Heroes will emerge from these stories, and lives will be changed.
Go to www.voiawards.com/awards to learn more about the Voices of Impact Awards™.
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